Day 15

She doesn't know what has been on his mind all day. It was her, they went on their first ever date, she didn't really care, it looked as if she didn't really want to be there. He looked from window to window hoping something interesting would come by, just so he could start a topic, and that's when she said that she wanted to order. They were in the restaurant again, the same one we would always hang out in. It was nothing fancy, just a casual date, we don't want it to go too fast.

A little boy is staring at them through the window, flowers on one hand and an open palm begging for money. He looks at the flowers, it was as if they were blooming in front of their eyes. He thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She stared at the flowers, as if there was something about them that she couldn't understand. He excused himself to go outside and talk to the boy. She took a gander at him as he looked so sweet, talking to the boy, she couldn't hear, but she understood. He was buying her flowers and giving the boy extra money just because he felt sorry for him. He went back into the restaurant, knelt down by her chair, and gave her the flowers. The array of colors hypnotized her.

I look at them and they don't seem to mind me at all, I am just an observer, alone, and they will never see me. I love these two, like siblings they are to me. I blend into the ground and slowly I start to disappear into the crowd which never existed, evaporating into space...

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